Millennial Things To Know About Auto-flower Seeds

Among the most common seeds, regular seeds, feminized seeds, and auto-flowering seeds, the auto-flowering seeds are always in the top list of the consumers. These seeds are packed with unique qualities of the hemp plant, and there is a lot to know about auto flower seeds available in the USA like the advantages, usage of the way to grow them. 

Autoflowering seeds are easy to grow and harvest as these seeds do not require special treatment until and unless you need feminized seeds. Autoflower seeds in the USA can adjust them as per the light schedule as these seeds do not depend on a certain amount of light. To make it more clear and easy for you to understand, we have collected some points in the article, read on and learn millennial things about Autoflower seeds. 

Benefits Of Autoflower Seeds:

Growing auto-flower seeds holds a few major benefits that are more important than its easy growing method. For these reasons, most of the beginners grow auto-flowering seeds as they learn more about the profession. Autoflowering not only help you to receive valuable products but also help the grow plants quickly. Also, the seeds do not take up a lot of space and can receive up to 12 hours of sunlight when grown indoors. Here are the more benefits of auto-flower seeds in details;

  • Autoflowering seeds flower with age, meaning no change in photoperiod is necessary.
  • Makes for an easy light cycle of 16hrs of light, 8 hours of darkness.
  • When grown outdoors, you can grow multiple harvests in a season.
  • Auto-flowering seeds are perfect for those who are growing seeds in small spaces or trying to grow in stealth mode.
  • Autoflowering strains can go from seed to harvest in as quickly as two months.
  • Improvements in genetics have made these seeds stronger.
  • There are hundreds of strains to choose from.

However, with a huge list of advantages, auto-flower seeds also have a little space for disadvantages. Still, those disadvantages are negligible as they do not impact the breeders' market and harvesting.  

Things To Keep In Mind:

The good reason to grow auto flower seeds is that they do not have a lot of disadvantages. Most of the disadvantages will be subject to the grower. Read on the few of the major things to know about auto-flower seeds;

  • Due to the small stature of these plants, growers shouldn't expect high yields.
  • More amounts of light mean higher electricity bills for indoor growers.
  • Although it has improved, the THC content is mostly lower compared to photoperiod species.
  • Inability to train your plants to make the most of the space.

However, these are the problems that can be easily managed by the growers as these issues do not require a special plan or strategy. 

Tips To Grow Autoflower Seeds:

While growing auto flower seeds, it is important to focus on a few things; if you do not follow the instructions, you could face getting the expected result from the seeds. 

  • You will only have around two weeks to train your plant to set the space. 
  • You need to understand that these seeds do not need a normal light cycle, but they do need warmth. 
  • Try to use a greenhouse if there will be a lot of rain. 
  • Autoflower seeds do not require as much feeding as other seeds need. 

Most of the growers say that auto flower seeds are the best to harvest as it does not need strict attention; they are independent that can adjust their space and light as per their needs. 


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